Striker Lithium Batteries

STRIKER Lithium Batteries are designed to provide Reliability, Durability and Safety to all enthusiast who embrace the STRIKER Lifestyle. 

Reliable starting power with the highest CCA available along with a BMS that deactivates the battery when there is draw that puts starting in jeopardy. Simply press the button to wake the battery up with enough power remaining to start your engine! 

Durable lightweight construction designed to cycle over 5X a conventional or AGM battery for years of dependable starts. Standard with a Two-Year Free Replacement Warranty! 

Safety minded STRIKER Patented Advanced Battery Management System (BMS) protects against overcharging, short-circuit, and low voltage. Safe to use with standard lead acid chargers, and no maintainer needed protecting your investment start after start, year after year! 

Our STRIKER Family of Lithium batteries come in 6 sizes - covering over 180+ group sizes with a range up to. 450CA for different applications.

Reliable, Durable, and Safe-STRIKER Lithium-enjoy the Lifestyle.